The Amiga Classic Collection
The Amiga Classic Collection - Disc 2.iso
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776 lines
0;32;43m 0m
1;32;43m Budget...LLSC 0;30;43mv1.3_3 0;31;43m 0m
0;32;43m 0m
0;32;43m Author Le Lay Serge Camille 0m
0;32;43m 8, Rue Lavoisier 0m
0;32;43m 91350 Grigny 0m
0;32;43m France 0m
0;32;43m 0m
3;30;41m 0m
3;30;41m 0m
3;30;41m This program is 0;32;41m1mFreeWare 0m3;30;41mdistribution and 0m
3;30;41m use are free3;30;41m (for no commercial use). 0m
3;30;41m 0m
3;30;41m Translate into another language permitted but 0m
3;30;41m CopyRight keep to the author. 0m
3;30;41m 0m
3;30;41m There is no guaranties for the use of this 0m
3;30;41m SoftWare. If you find a problem inform me I 0m
3;30;41m will correct it an put the new version in the 0m
3;30;41m Fred Fish collection. 0m
3;30;41m 0m
3;30;41m 0m
3;30;41m 0m
3;30;41m v1.301 Distribution Fred Fish N° 416 SW English 0m
3;30;41m v1.3_2 Distribution Fred Fish N° 452 SW English 0m
3;30;41m v1.3_3f Distribution Author (*) FW French 0m
3;30;41m v1.3_3 Distribution Fred Fish N° FW English 0m
3;30;41m 0m
3;30;41m(*) 31;40m Si vous vous désirez recevoir une copie de la version
3;31;40mFrançaise envoyez à l'adresse ci-dessus une disquette 0m
3;31;40mplus une envellope affranchie au tarif lent ou normal 0m
3;31;40mselon votre désir, ou 10Fr (pour Disk + port) comme 0m
3;31;40mvous voulez. 0m
There is no fondamental changement with the 1.3_2 version
only some no critical bugs are patched, and the doc are
enchanged and contains more precise explanations. This
program is now freeWare...
A correct copy of Budget...LLSC program must have at
least 3 files (writing in emphasized).
3m Budget.doc.info 0m 361 ----rwed
1m Budget...LLSC 0m 110868 --p-rwed
3m Budget...LLSC.info 0m 938 ----rwed
1m BudgetDate 0m 9 ----rwed
1m Budget.doc 0m 31948 ----rwed
1mRunning program :0m
By system: (french version only v1.3_3f)
Reboot your computer an put Budget disk instead of
WorkBench disk.
By WorkBench:
Double click on icon Budget.
By CLi:
Type following sequence who emulate exactly the
workBench launching :
Run Cd Disk:drawerName +(hit RETURN immediately after + )
Budget...LLSC (hit RETURN)
Disk is for Disk name or df0: df1: RAD: DH0: etc...
DrawerName is for the name of drawer containing
Budget...LLSC, if one.
This program is made to help you to manage your personal
finances. It is very easy to use, a page on which you
write on a line left to right, a Date, an abbreviate
label, a note comment, and the amount of the operation.
Budget now display his window with a little one inside it
who show you the last change date.
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
4;31;40m | | | 0m
0;33;41m Date : 0m
32;43m Last update : 10-2030;41m-32;43m90 0m
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m.00 0;32;41mAvai=.00 Bank=0;30;41m.000m
We do not modify them if we want to see correctly following
Else change the date to the actual one then hit RETURN
for validate them. Program modify date for the system
(if tool Date is present in the SYS:C).
It display his window with an white cursor at the top
left corner in orange date cell, who wait for you to
enter an date for the first line. You have an full screen
editor and you can use the mouse for cells and cursor
The window now look like this:
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m.00 0;32;41mAvai=.00 Bank=0;30;41m.000m
33mDate is the indispensable element who program use for is 0m
33mcalculation. A line without date is null. It is also very 0m
33mimportant to set real date in the requester (computers 0m
33mwith no backup clock). 0m
All date less or equals to the 10-20-90 (like example) are
real "operate" date, like the same on your bank statement.
Other date are temporary and display 99 code at the regular
day place, they will be "prevision" when they are under
October month.
Budget calculate three balances immediately after each entry,
who appear at the window bottom like this:
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m4084.00 0;32;41mAvai=84.00 Bank=0;30;41m650.000m
0;32;41m Prev 0m (previsions) who is the sum of all entries. You are
informed on the sum you have for the year (from
actual month to next month of next year). It is
also debited by the currently month operation.
0;32;41m Avai 0m (Available (Real or anticipate)) if this number is
display 0;32;41mblack/white0m it is the real available
balance, which show you the really amount available
at this time for buy.
If this number is display 0;33;41morange/white0m it is
anticipate balance who is calculate with the futur
credit of the month (salary ordinary). Warning in
that case your account may become overdraft.
If this number is display 0;33;42morange/black0m then futur
credit of month are not enough to cover your
expenditure. Your accompt will become overdraft !
0;32;41m Bank 0m It is the same number that appear on your bank
statement, it must be equals with them, after yours
updates corrections.
For the first use you have to input all the neccessary
datas writing in yours bank statements since the date
you want beginning your accounting.
0;33;40mWarning0m you can enter date between 01/01/year-1
to 12/31/year+1 only, where year is actual year.
The first line would be a transfer line like:
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m850.00 0;32;41mAvai=850.00 Bank=0;30;41m850.000m
Then you have to recopy all operation until today like
its appear on your bank statements. The three balances
would be equals.
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
0;32;40m1002900m|2mCBR0m|2mdebit CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200.00 0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m650.00 0;32;41mAvai=650.00 Bank=0;30;41m650.000m
When you have finish, have a drink! this program is ready to
give you the service for what it is made. But before that it
is important to save your work, for that click the right
mouse and put red arrow mouse sprite on the left top of
window and at 31;42m Program 0m word you will see display:
4;32;40m 31;40m 0m
0;31;42m Project 4;32;41m 4;30;41m Command Memo Who ? 0m
30;41m New 0;30;41m Debit Credit0m
30;41m Load... 0m2msfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
30;41m Save ? 0m2mt CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200.00 0m
30;41m 33;42mSave 30;41m 0m |
30;41m 0m |
30;41m 0m |
32;41m Quit... 0m |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m650.00 0;32;41mAvai=650.00 Bank=0;30;41m650.000m
When you choose Save the word highlight, release now right
mouse button and a sample window requester is displayed, the
current directory is writing on it :
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;33;42m 850.000m
0;32;40m04;30;41m Account name to saving... 42m 0m
32;43mAmigaLibDisknnn:Budget/30;41m 32;43m 0m
32;43m 0m
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m650,00 0;32;41mAvai=650,00 Bank=0;30;41m650,000m
Add it any name you want, ( disk name can be changed )
and hit RETURN key to running save. The window requester
disappear and at the bottom of screen a black line
inform you the saving progress.
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
0;32;40m1002900m|2mCBR0m|2mdebit CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200.00 0m
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
30;42m Saving a moment... 31m2 30;41m0 32;41m Avai=650,00 Bank=30m650,000m
1mNote:0m CCP is a defaut name that Budget automatically load
when launched.
Name is automatically extended of a .NN , for example
CCP is CCP.90 during 1990 year.
Now you can enter all recent debit or credit that your
bank does not know. For that type $ (or ] A1000 qwerty)
who is interpreted by program ( 0;32;41m1099900m for example in
October) as a temporary current month date. Fill other
cells by any data, write amount ,(press RETURN to go to
following cell), then type RETURN for line validation.
Budget can now calculate the 0;32;41m Avai 0m and 0;32;41m Prev 0m
balance immediately, note that 0;32;41m bank 0m balance
is unchanged. If you enter a prevision date (after
currently month) only 0;32;41m Prev 0m balance would be changed.
Example enter a salary and a meal in a restaurant :
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
0;32;40m1002900m|2mCBR0m|2mdebit CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200.00 0m
0;32;41m1099900m|SAL|salary October |0;30;42m 4000.000m
0;32;41m1099900m|CHQ|birthday meal |0;33;42m 566.00 0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m4084.00 0;32;41mAvai=84.00 Bank=0;30;41m650.000m
1;33mNotez :0m amount of the salary appear in blue, that want
mean this amount is not count in the 32;41m Avai 0m balance.
It is only count in anticipate calculation mode.
Budget...LLSC will go to anticipate mode automatically
when the real available is less than 0.
When you receive your bank statement you change only
temporary date by the real one, for each line concerned.
0;32;41m Avai 0m balance is unchanged but 0;32;41m Bank 0m statement is
updated to the new value. When finish 0;32;41m Bank 0m balance
must by equals with the same on your bank statement.
Program will class automatically lines per date before
save, if neccessary.
If the real operation date of birthday meal is Oct-10-90
after update it, balances and birthday meal lines are now
displayed like this :
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
0;32;40m1002900m|2mCBR0m|2mdebit CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200.00 0m
0;32;41m1099900m|SAL|salary October |0;30;42m 4000.000m
0;32;40m1015900m|2mCHQ0m|2mbirthday meal 0m|0;33;42m 566.00 0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m4084.00 0;32;41mAvai=84.00 Bank=0;30;41m84.000m
Repair line (or inserted line):
Is the empty line on which cursor wait after a loading,
it is the alone line who permit line insertion after an
entry. When you have previsions datas, repair line is
always between current line and these previsions datas.
On the example repair line is the empty one with white
cursor on it.
1mReserved WORD :0m
In rubrique Cpt I have programmed some facilities with
this following words:
--- (three minus) that I use to separe months between
them. example:
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
0;32;40m1002900m|2mCBR0m|2mdebit CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200.00 0m
0;32;41m1099900m|SAL|salary October |0;30;42m 4000.000m
0;32;41m1099900m|CHQ|birthday meal |0;33;42m 566.00 0m
0;33;40m1001900m|0;33;40m---0m|0;33;40mOctober --------------------0m|
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m4084.00 0;32;41mAvai=84.00 Bank=0;30;41m650.000m
Then choose Classifying in second menu and less
a second you will see display :
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
0;33;40m1001900m|0;33;40m---0m|0;33;40mOctober --------------------0m|
0;32;40m1002900m|2mCBR0m|2mdebit CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200.00 0m
0;32;41m1099900m|SAL|salary October |0;30;42m 4000.000m
0;32;41m1099900m|CHQ|birthday meal |0;33;42m 566.00 0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
| | |
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m4084.00 0;32;41mAvai=84.00 Bank=0;30;41m650.000m
Note: you can also insert a line a any place
with ESC RETURN fonction, see third menu
here down.
NCL *Need current life. If you use prevision you may be
or want use NCL to note for each futur month amount
BVC you are need for your regular life. Meal, food,
cigarette, car benzine, etc... In order to make
correct prevision. This line is deleted when the
concerned month become current month and its
amount is credited at 0;32;41m Avai 0m balance.
!!! This word is for an operation of transfer credit or
VCC debit to another existing file, its name will be in
note place. The program will then writing inverse
operation in that file automatically when Save menu
is selected, word !!! become VCC.
REP This word is use by program to write transfer of
the preceding archived year.
1mAutomatic prevision :0m
Budget program can create automatically line operation
who are regularly repeated. You have only to add a *
at 4mfirst0m of the comment note, in prevision datas
or in the current month. This line will be repeated
for next month of next year, when concerned month
previsions becomes currently.
For buy to credit you can add at the 4mend0m of
comment note two parenthesis who contains detailled
count, Budget program in that case stop automatically
prevision create when last payment is reached.
Howewer you have to enter the 12 first financial
commitment by keyboard typing (easy see more key ;
and ').
If period is other than monthly then replace symbol
* by its period number (6 for six months, or 4, 3, 2
for corresponding months and 1 who is for a year). Do
not beginning a note comment by a number if not a
prevision !
Previsions examples :
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;31;42m 850.000m
0;33;40m1001900m|0;33;40m---0m|0;33;40mOctober --------------------0m|
0;32;40m1002900m|2mCBR0m|2mdebit CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200.00 0m
0;32;41m1099900m|SAL|salary October |0;30;42m 4000.000m
0;32;41m1099900m|CHQ|birthday meal |0;33;42m 566.00 0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
0;30;41m1199900m|0;33;40m---0m|0;33;40m*November ------------------0m|
0;30;41m1199900m|SAL|*salary November(prevision) |0;30;42m 4000.000m
0;30;41m1199900m|CRE|*buy credit HI-FI (1/36) |0;33;42m 325.50 0m
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m7758.50 0;32;41mAvai=84.00 Bank=0;30;41m650.000m
Example above suppose a account situation at October 90,
lines *salary, *buy and of course, *November dated in
November are previsions.
At Nov-01-90 November becomes currently month, then
program read all previsions lines, duplicate the ones
who are automatics and added them at bottom of file.
It clear * symbol and add November lines to the October
They are displayed like this :
(Warning example above suppose a date change that you can
simulate like :
- Saving file in RAM:file
- Quit your Budget program.
- Reload it, and at requester date change to 11-01-90.
- Loading preceding saved RAM:file.
- Move down cursor to display previsions lines. )
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;33;40m0111900m|0;33;40m---0m|0;33;40mNovember -------------------0m|
0;32;41m1199900m|SAL|salary November(prevision) |0;30;42m 4000,000m
0;32;41m1199900m|CRE| buy credit HI-FI (1/36) |0;33;42m 325,50 0m
| | |
0;30;41m1199910m|0;33;40m---0m|0;33;40m*November ------------------0m|
0;30;41m1199910m|SAL|*salary November(prevision) |0;30;42m 4000,000m
0;30;41m1199910m|CRE|* buy credit HI-FI (13/36) |0;33;42m 325,50 0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m11433,00 0;32;41mAvai=33m7758,50 32mBank=0;30;41m650,000m
1mMENUS :0m
Menus are active only in main program not while date
change requester or while name requester (howewer Quit
and cancellation are active).
First menu:
4;32;40m 31;40m 0m
0;31;42m Project 4;32;41m 0;32;41m Command Memo Who ? 0m
30;41m New 0m
30;41m Load... 0m
30;41m Save ? 0m
30;41m Save 0m
30;41m 0m
30;41m 0m
32;41m Quit... 0m
30;41m New 0m
empty the buffer and the window screen, and is
ready for a new file. If change on last file
a bottom line requester like this appear :
31;42m Saving ? (33mY31m)es (33mN31m)o ()Cancel 32;41m 0;32;41mAvai=650.00 Bank=0;30;41m650.000m
Where 31;42m (33mY31m)es 0m is ok! you want saving your change.
Type letter Y (or y) or click on the word itself
with the left mouse button to select this option.
31;42m (33mN31m)o 0m you ignore change and want to go to made
a new account.
31;42m ()Cancel 0m (selected by any other key than Y,y,N,n)
is to ignore the selected New menu and return to
actual file.
30;41m Load... 0m
Is to load an existing file to replace. If change
are do the preceding requester will be displayed.
Then window name requester is displayed and you
have to enter the name of file to load.
30;41m Save ? 0m
For this selection the little window name
requester is displayed with actual name of
the file, that you may now change.
30;41m Save 0m
Save function run immediately with the actual
name. If no name (after a new for example) this
function become Save ? and display the window
name requester.
Save note :
A backup copy is automatically done by Budget in
drawer Bak, you may want restore file before
change by typing disk:bak/MyFileName at the name
requester. In that case, backup file is not
changed by Save fonction as long as it is the
current account.
For more security I suggest you to make a copy of
your entire disk each month for example.
32;41m Quit 0m
To quit program, by a requester if change are
Second menu:
4;31;40m 4;32;40m 31;40m 0m
0;32;41m Project 0;31;42m Command 4;32;41m 0;32;41m Memo Who ? 0m
30;41m Classifying 0m
30;41m Balance Month+1 0m
30;41m Classifying 0m
This will be made automatically by the program,
user can do it at any time with this selection.
30;41m Balance Month+1 0m
Display at the bottom line futures balances of
next month. If you are enter correct prevision
else without interest.
Type any key or clic mouse to redisplay actual
Third menu :
4;31;40m 4;32;40m 31;40m 0m
0;32;41m Project Command 0;31;42m Memo 4;32;41m Who ? 0;32;41m 0m
30;41m Scroll down ½ page. ESC then ^ 0m
30;41m Scroll up ½ page... ESC then v 0m
33;41m ^ v are the arrows keys 0m
30;41m Start of file.......ESC then T 0m
30;41m End of file.........ESC then B 0m
30;41m Insert a line...... ESC RETURN 0m
30;41m Remove a line...........CTRL B 0m
30;41m Insertion line..............F6 0m
30;41m 0m
32;41m Cancellation...............F10 0m
30;41m Scroll down ½ page. ESC then ^ 0m
30;41m Scroll up ½ page... ESC then v 0m
Press ESC then up arrow key scroll ½ page up
and ESC then down arrow key for ½ page down.
30;41m Top of file.........ESC then T 0m
30;41m Bottom of file......ESC then B 0m
Press ESC then T key to see the top of file and
press ESC then B key to see the bottom of file.
30;41m Insert a line...... ESC RETURN 0m
30;41m Remove a line...........CTRL B 0m
Press ESC then RETURN key to make a new ligne under
current cursor position. Press CTRL and B to remove
a line, a requester appear to confirme this choice.
30;41m Insertion line..............F6 0m
This function allow to reposition cursor on
current repair line (this is the one who make
a new line after a RETURN). This function also
recalculate balances since the start of file.
32;41m Cancellation...............F10 0m
This function cancel operation under cursor and
delete cell contains in the current window, in
the requester window it cancel request (ESC will
delete cell contains) an return to current window.
It reset calculator to 0 and exit it, in debit or
credit cells.
Fourth menu :
4;31;40m 4;32;40m 31;40m 0m
0;32;41m Project Command Memo 31;42m Who ? 4;32;41m 0;31;41m 0m
30;41m ...LLSC 0m
30;41m AmigaBasic 0m
30;41m HiSoft-Basic 0m
30;41m Amiga 0m
This four rubriques display a little window
copyright info.
1mMiscellaneous :0m
You have at each credit debit cell an four operation
calculator (sign of operation choice is display
white during the calculation mode). RETURN or ENTER key
display result.
When cursor is on debit cell it appear like this :
0;30;41m Date Cpt Note Debit Credit0m
0;32;40m0101900m|2mREP0m|2mTransfer year 1989 0m|0;33;42m 850.000m
0;33;40m1001900m|0;33;40m---0m|0;33;40mOctober --------------------0m|
0;32;40m1002900m|2mCBR0m|2mdebit CB (example) 0m|0;33;42m 200,00 0m
0;32;41m1099900m|SAL|salary October |0;30;42m 4000,000m
0;32;41m1099900m|CHQ|birthday meal |0;33;42m 566.00 0m
| | |
0;30;41m1199900m|SAL|*salary November(prevision) |0;30;42m 4000,000m
0;30;41m1199900m|CRE|* buy credit HI-FI (1/36) |0;33;42m 325,50 0m
0;30;41m1199900m|NUL|test calculator ... |0;32;43m-41m 43m 0;30;40m 0m
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m7758,50 0;32;41mAvai=84,00 Bank=0;30;41m650,000m
Now type in number 100 ( interpretate 100.00 by the
program ), then instead of depress RETURN for validate...
0;30;41m1199900m|NUL|test calculator ... |0;32;43m-10041m 43m 0;30;40m 0m
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m7758,50 0;32;41mAvai=84,00 Bank=0;30;41m650,000m
Hit symbol key of operator you want to choose, for
example + key ( = has the same effect )
0;30;41m1199900m|NUL|test calculator ... |0;31;43m+41m 43m 0;30;40m 0m
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m7658,50 0;32;41mAvai=84,00 Bank=0;30;41m650,000m
Note at this time you cannot go out the cell only if
you are calculation terminated, or cancelled it.
Only Prev balance is modified because we are in
prevision date (date blue on white).
Type now number to add, 58.50 for example...
0;30;41m1199900m|NUL|test calculator ... |0;31;43m+32;43m58,541m 43m 0;30;40m 0m
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m7658,50 0;32;41mAvai=84,00 Bank=0;30;41m650,000m
To obtain the result depress RETURN (or ENTER).
0;30;41m1199900m|NUL|test calculator ... |32;43m-158,5041m 43m 0;30;40m 0m
| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m7600,00 0;32;41mAvai=84,00 Bank=0;30;41m650,000m
Depress again RETURN key to line validation.
0;30;41m1199900m|NUL|test calculator ... |0;33;42m 158,50 0m
0;32;41m 0;32;43m 0m| | |
0;32;41m Prev=0;30;41m7600,00 0;32;41mAvai=84,00 Bank=0;30;41m650,000m
Calculation may be chained. If perform in a line with
a empty date the result will no disturb balances, but it
will be lose when you move cursor into another line.
Result and intermediate calcul are rounded to two digits.
Valid operators: 31;43m+0m 31;43m-0m 31;43m*0m 31;43m/0m 31;43m\0m
1mKEY :0m
µ (or ') repeat cell text immediately above them. when
in note cell and for prevision credit period
are incremented.
; only in date, repeat date above and increment month.
$ (or ]) put the 99 date.
CTRL and D put curseur at the start of cell.
CTRL and F put curseur at the end of cell.
F1...F5 put cursor into cell date...credit.
F7 F8 swap line above or under respectively, only
if they are the same date.
At each run program Budget...LLSC wait for a date, for
user who have backup clock it is not neccessary, delete
file BudgetDate and requester will not appear.
I have designed this program to work in either PAL/NTSC
Amiga with font 32...80 columns. It work with KickStart
1.2/1.3 and system WorkBench 1.3 (LIBS:MathieeDoubbas.
library and MathieeeDoubtrans.library are neccessary).